Welcome to my Website!

Pick a Theme

This is a very Simple splash screen Template for those who want the novelty of a minimal splash screen to click prior to entering the website proper

It is adjustable and you can rearange whether or not you want the sidebar first and the main content box 2nd, main content box first and sidebar 2nd, two sidebars, etc.

It is very bare bones so you can style and add more onto it as needed.

Things like

and more

Definitely plenty of space in the main box to put a nice little clickable banner or big text.

This is not, however, very mobile friendly without you having to make more adjustments yourself.

This isn't intended to be used as a main theme for a website either, so use at your own risk if you want to mod this into a full website theme.

Both the main content box and the sidebars do, however, have overflow set up in case you want to put a LOT of stuff in these little boxes.