The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Zelda Wind Waker just has a special spot in my heart as being my “first” Zelda so to speak, the second one being Twilight Princess and the third being Majora’s Mask.
I am also kind of an Ocarina of Time hater.
Granted I grew up on later console Zelda games where things got linear (but I’d argue that the linearity is not entirely a bad thing in that wind waker, twilight princess, and skyward sword utilized linearity to better pace stories with varying degrees of success).
That all being said, when I think of a zelda game, wind waker comes to mind. The world in the game feels big to me still despite the time passing and seeing later Zelda games with much vaster worlds than Wind waker. It also feels like home in a really weird way admittedly.
I suppose this comes from the fact that I got into those games during what most people would call a really rough period of my life.
I have a fondness for the art style, the ost, the dungeon design, all of it. Despite at this point having played it enough to be able to probably blitz through the game within a couple of hours if I just stuck to the main stuff and didn’t hit any of the side content, it still feels large and fully realized in a way I haven’t really seen that much out of later Zelda games. Granted it seems like the OoT effect hit OoT, This game, and Breath of the Wild (these all being what the people call really good selling Zelda games).